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Kim D'Amato

Kim D'Amato

Kim D’Amato is a community hero in a multitude of ways. Some would say that Kim’s professional career in itself is hero worthy. She is an experienced sales professional who has dedicated 30 years of her career to selling medical equipment for her family’s company, Rehabilitation Equipment Associates. The understanding that she has gained with her work experience, and what she does with that understanding, is the real reason she deserves this award and is a community hero. She goes so far above and beyond to help individuals living with disabilities all across New England live fulfilling and independent lives.

Kim volunteers countless hours with volt hockey and power soccer which highlights her compassion and dedication to making a positive difference in her community for individuals with disabilities. She serves on the board of the Boston Self Help Center based out of the Melnea Cass Recreation Complex in Boston. Most recently, with Kim’s help, they are focusing on adaptive sports and recreation. When she was on one of her many overseas trips to scope out new equipment she discovered this sport, bought the expensive chairs herself, shipped them to her warehouse, found space to practice, inspired Northeastern students to volunteer as coaches and locked in now volt hockey obsesses athletes who were interested in playing.

On Monday, May 20th, Chick-fil-A and The Greg Hill Foundation awarded Kim a Chick-fil-A prize pack including Chick-fil-A for one year and $2,000 to JB Keys, a cause close to Kim’s heart.

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